Magic Easter Bunny Drool

A cartoon bunny drooling in his sleep

Dive into the gooey side of Easter with our Magic Easter Bunny Drool slime! This isn't your everyday slime; it's a cheeky twist on a classic Easter activity, inspired by the less glamorous, but totally amusing, idea of the Easter Bunny's drool. Yes, you read that right – we're bringing the 'ick' to Easter in the most delightful way. It's time to mix up a batch of this unique slime that's as fun to touch as it is to make. Let's get started and see what happens when Easter gets a little slimy!


  • 1 bottle (6 oz) Elmer’s glitter glue (we used clear glue and added Easter-y colors like bright blue)

  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • 1 1/2 tbsp contact lens solution (make sure it contains boric acid and sodium borate)

  • Up to 1/4 cup water (optional)

  • Extra glitter (optional)


  1. Pour the entire 6 oz bottle of Elmer's glitter glue into a bowl. If you’re adding your own glitter, stir it in now!

  2. Add 1/2 tsp of baking soda and mix thoroughly.

  3. If you want a more stretchy slime, add up to 1/4 cup of water and mix well.

  4. Slowly add in 1 1/2 tbsp of contact lens solution, mixing as you go. Be careful not to add too much.

  5. Mix until the slime starts to form and harden.

  6. Remove the slime from the bowl and knead it until it reaches your desired consistency.

  7. If the slime is still too sticky, add a little bit of lotion or baby oil to your hands and knead some more.

Voilà! You've mastered the art of making Magic Easter Bunny Drool. This slime experiment adds a dash of humor to the Easter festivities, reminding us that even the Easter Bunny has its less-than-elegant moments. As the slime oozes between your fingers, remember, it's all in good fun – a playful nod to the silly side of the season. Keep the laughter going with more quirky experiments and activities here at DoofyDoodles. Here’s to an Easter filled with fun, giggles, and a bit of bunny drool slime!


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