How to draw a Ninja Turtle (Leonardo)
Today, we're doodling one of the most popular teenage mutants to ever grace the comic book world – Leonardo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT). Grab your pens, pizzas, and preferably a blue bandana (because Leonardo wouldn't have it any other way), and let's hop straight into the sewers of doodling!
Step 1
Draw two circles on top of each other and one small one near the bottom.
Step 2
Connect the larger two circles and add a bunch of smaller circles. These will be his eyes, hands, and feet. Put a cross through the large circle for his turtle pecs.
Step 3
Add lines for Leo’s bandana, a rubber band mouth, lines for his legs, and lines for his belt. Now add 2 fingers and a thumb and his blades.
Step 4
Add the little details: his furrowed brow, the handles of his katanas, his knee wraps, his teeth, the front of his shell, and finally the letter “L” on his belt.
Step 5
Color Leonardo in using all the typical colors of a turtle but this time, use a cool blue for his bandanas.
Doofy Leonardo, ready to fight!
Let's knock out some cool facts about Leonardo.
Leonardo, the leader: Among the four turtles, Leonardo is often portrayed as the most disciplined and the de facto leader. He takes his training seriously and is extremely committed to the Ninja code.
Blue is his color: Each turtle is associated with a color, and for Leonardo, it's blue. You'll find him sporting a blue bandana and wielding two sharp katanas.
His weapon of choice - the katana: Leonardo wields two Katanas, a type of Japanese sword known for its curved, slender, single-edged blade. They're perfect for a leader with a sharp mind (and even sharper reflexes) like Leo.
Pizza Lover: Like all his brothers, Leonardo has a special fondness for pizza, which is seen as a primary food group in the turtle world!
So there you have it - a cool, fun way to draw Leonardo from TMNT. Now that you know a bit more about this turtle-hero, why not try doodling his brothers as well? Remember, all it takes is a bit of practice and a slice of pizza for inspiration! Cowabunga, Doodlers!
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